
Family Updates

  • Layton

    Ron and Kelsey got to meet their new little girl in October of 2021. The love and bond was immediate. The growing FHF grant has been able to help many growing families. Layton Elizabeth was one of four that found their home in October.

  • Maddie

    Home Sweet Forever Home! Congratulations to Juan and Kayla and their new little girl, Madeline. This family has been through it. Through all of it. And if you ever wondered whether the adoption process is worth the results – remember this family. They’ll tell you it always is.

  • Isaac Elijah

    We hope some day you will have the opportunity to meet John and Rachel. Their journey is a wild and wonderful one, though they had to fight through an onslaught of bumps, and break through a tidal wave of barriers. Not only will they be happy to take a moment and tell you how crazy...

  • Olivia Monica

    This healthy and happy little lady went home in July of 2021 to two incredible parents – David and Megan. They have been long time faithful servants of God. What a precious gift He has blessed them with. Congratulations!

  • One of this year’s FHF grant recipients was matched and brought her son home. Tara is an incredible Christian and who opened her heart and her home to a newborn boy. We know Ephraim is going to be well loved and cared for. Congratulations to both of you. We’ll be praying for your family for...

  • Amy and Justin

    Amy and Justin always knew they might adopt, but thought they might have a bio child first. So they went down that road, which ended up being a hard one. After fertility treatments and two miscarriages, they felt God had closed that door. But like any great parable or bible lesson or real-life miracle, whenever...

  • When you know every step you take in faith will be met with God responding faithfully – you take some really big steps. Hanna and EJ were always going to adopt. They talked about it and agreed it would happen some day down the road. Maybe it would be their second child, maybe it would...

  • Nathan was a planner. Casey was set. They had a beautiful girl named Kennedy. Years into their marriage – things were good. Adoption wasn’t even in the periphery of their mind. And then, one day, when they were all separated by hundreds of miles, God gave them a calling so evident and compelling there was...